I'm powercaleb's friend is REAL LIFE and video games and he does not deserve to be banned unless it's true.And I would know if it is or not!
ok guys :(
TreFast32 Superducky01 advertisng
this is a plugin called the color changer plugin your must me atleast a supreme to use it's commands. It add these commands ./relore and ./rename...
TreFast32 Hotwing32 Spam
well since your new I think we should get ready for what really happens in mineverse
minecraft is the BEST
I think they made it them selves so that's why it's a bit like what MrParkourGuy said
I'm a minecraft man
Over at the shop~in extras add this for all games unban your self but you have to pay for it name it a unban ticket and it cost $100.00. and you...
My in game name TreFast32 His in game name SuperMCcrafter25 [IMG] [IMG] that's my evidence he's getting banned cause of advertising
they are sky contacts and BUTTERKING100 that's his mine craft username hacked powercaleb's so powercaleb got banned from factions I have...
I go to McDonald sometimes where you eat.
Grayson why did you deny my ban appeal ?
I'm board
Ok I'll explain So when I warp somewhere the game will glitch and tp me under it and sometimes fall and this last for 12 seconds.
When I get warped home or somewhere I end up under it for 12 seconds.And this is in skygrid.
I would like NOBODY to get banned from anything.
powercaleb the TITAN is greifing please ban him. on skygrid
guys my FAVORITE game is Skyblock