An awkward moment when you see your principal robbing all of the money from your school and gets arrested. Evidence:...
Damn, would that have sucked.
True... at least it wasn't like someone in my school who brought a knife, and got expelled.
Did that once; I got a detention. I'm such a bad kid :(
That awkward moment when you have to draw a word, and that word is "Booty" I had that once on a different server. I just drew a boot instead of...
That awkward moment when you see a creeper, but you're the one who's creeping up on him, instead...
I did that one time, and I got grounded for the rest of the day...
I accidentally called my 3rd grade teacher my mom. She was actually my neighbor...
Probably in a few years, you shall be the "grandpa" of the server... jk. :oldman:
Started playing in July, but felt like joining the forums last month.
I kind of like it, but I mean, the OP armor and swords kind of makes it like OP PvP, but this time, you're able to build like Survival, and your...
Here, I'll bring up a few more... That awkward moment when the chipmunk and the rabbit are eating from the same tomato in my garden... That...
Too many choices... :ah
Whatever... I'll be backing away now, and let others say what they think about this... :lurk:
I don't know at all... sorry... I think in between... but I mean, it sucks that you have to pay more for less...
I'm never known anywhere... lol... and only one that I can consider as a good friend, and probably the only one here: @Will2kill He is my only...
Wait, really? Damn, would that suck?
Um, from what Wikipedia said, probably intermittent explosive disorder? If not, don't blame me. Blame Wikipedia......
Prison is perfect the way it is, and I do not want to go noob mode, again. No support. Nothing bad has happened there yet, so I don't see the...