Support! It helps bring many forms of art from everyone. It'd be cool to see other forms of art. :) [EDIT] Wait... was I supposed to say support,...
Support. I would love to have a good opportunity to collect some good items, like netherstars, and xp. Also, many people in the past complained...
Support. Good luck!
No support. Lack of detail, and also, you need to know the community better. Plus, you need to correct the "Which two servers would you like to...
Wait, you're not... leaving? OH god, I took this post all wrong :L
I never really did lose anything from ClearLag other than 2 diamonds in Prison when I mined a Diamond Ore with a Fortune III diamond pick. It was...
It's really sad to see such a very well known person of Mineverse go. I wish you luck on other servers, and your life. :)
It's okay. Thanks @Moneyking :)
Edited the top post too, for more info.
You can buy /kit commander for $500 and gives: -1 set iron armor -1 iron sword Sharpness II Knockback I and Fire Aspect I -Power III Punch II bow...
1: Hover over your name thingy on the top right corner 2: Select [Signature]
Well, the problem was resolved. I tried hitting people in the corner, they wouldn't take damage.
I've never heard of OP-Prison, but with your idea, it sounds really cool! Support! :) [EDIT]- WAIT, OP-Prison is pretty much a more powerful...
Yeah, it's just the internet. Many days I have no trouble, but today... stupid internet. I died with a wither skull in the /warp mob in Hellblock...
Hello friend from many months ago XD
The server's fine, but probably a few lag parts here and there, but otherwise, it's fine, and it does not need to be fixed. And also... mind the...
Goodbye :(. I hope you had a good time in Mineverse, and I wish you luck in school, and have a great life. :(
Support. Every server on Mineverse needs this, when someone's mean to you, or is just plain spamming.
Support. The first time I played SG on Mineverse, it literally took me two HOURS to find that last person. Also, I'd wish they have deathmatch...