this will be a short description of me, my irl name is Carlin (people call me Nilrac) and i have wanted to be a mod for ages on mineverse i hope...
Jadey. its your decision if you believe me or a childish person denying that he hacks.
zTanay this is the first server i have seen you on so no you have not seen me on other servers. false information
thats not what zTanay said. apparantly you guys have been friends for a while now
and zTanay is NoobCupCakes friend he wasn't there hes just agreeing with him.
evidence is gone thats what happend. he has hacked into my pc and changed the pic to that. it was evidence once.
making other accounts? no im not those are other people agreeing with me and its also my bro so stop saying im making false accounts. and stop...
multiple accounts? no its not. everyone in the lobby saw you hacking
so i was playing infected with my friends. and on the jungle map i saw NoobCupCake fly towards the dome then he survived the game. everyone then...