1.mind_trap 2.smasher1245 3. griefing The user glitched out of my store invaded my private island and killed my cows. He did it in the past and he...
1.Your ingame name: mind_trap 2.The offender's ingame name: smasher1245 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect,...
1. mind_trap 2. xx_firedawg_xx 3. Spamming and advertising 4
1. mind_trap 2. smasher1245 3. Griefing, island trespassing and harassing - He jumped out of my shop flew to my island and killed my cows. I asked...
1. mind_trap 2. rammadamma12 3. flyhack - he doesn't have a rank 4.
1. mind_trap 2. izaphii 3. The user invaded on my island by glitching out of my shop flew all the way up and killed most of my cows. If I wasn't...
1.mind_trap 2.rickyp01 3.flyhack He is a sponsor and tried to fly trough the ceiling of my shop without pet 4.
1.mind_trap 2. chiefghost8200 3.flyhack He doesn't have a rank (4th screenshot)
1.mind_trap 2.buttermaster777 3.Flyhack He doesn't have a rank (last screenshot) 4.
1. Mind_trap 2. Freezingplasma85 3. Flyhack, Disrespect The user glitched out of my store and flew all the way up (100+) blocks to my island...
1. mind_trap 2. St4bbi 3. Disrespect, glitching and griefing He invaded on my island and killed all my animals, and some of my villagers, he...
1. Your ingame name : mind_trap 2. The offender's ingame name : _xefopvp 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect,...