Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: Yang_chen A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fly hack (the user...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: hotwing32 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He created and...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: lafromboise A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flyhack at spawn,...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: Squidy424 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Creating And...
1. mind_trap 2. Captainbill12345 3. Animal Griefing - Island Trespassing - Disrespect The user glitched out of my shop twice in total disrespect...
1.mind_trap 2.Redrummmm 3. Spamming to the point where it is impossible to read the chat 4.
1. mind_trap 2. transformer1607 3. Griefing Animal Killing The user invaded on the island probably by flying since there is no public warp there...
1.mind_trap 2. mimetom2002 3. Island Trespassing, Disrespect, Griefing The user glitched through the walls of my shop despite my plea for...
1. mind_trap 2. milanwesthoff 3. Island trespassing, Disrespect The user glitched through the walls of my shop despite my plea for privacy, he...
1. mind_trap 2. Rebootedninja (Chosenue4) 3. Creating and advertising a death warp 4.
1. mind_trap 2. Awrightgirl 3. Speed hack The user was moving around too fast and he/she had constantly sprint particles coming out of his/her...
1. mind_trap 2. icyblocks3 3. Island Trespassing, Stealing, Disrespect, Threatening I went AFK for 5 minutes and when I returned I found this...
1. mind_trap 2. elleplaysmc 3. Spamming - I asked several times from this user to stop, the results are on the screenshots 4.
1.mind_trap 2. (soon to be filled) 3. Island Trespassing, Disrespect The user created a warp on my private island and as a result everything...
1. mind_trap 2. epicchristopher8 3. Island Trespassing , disrespect The user invaded the private areas of my island by glitching through the...
1. mind_trap 2. sniperboy316 3. Island trespassing, stealing, disrespect. The user used /jump to get out of my shop ,which is something that I...
1. mind_trap 2. freckle50 3. Griefing, disrespect, threatening The user while invisible killed over 30 villagers and most of my animals. During...
1. mind_trap 2. ultramultra 3. Flyhack - The user has no rank and he was flying 4.
Every successful shop/player on Skyblock server eventually faces the same problem, the 1 million money limit :) Although it is one of the sweetest...
1. mind_trap 2. yegorsosin 3. Island trespassing, harassment, disrespect The user glitched out of my shop and flew on my which is private in...