Xrosmage God
I know I shouldn't have posted here because I'm a gangstalama.
Late happy bday.
Oh wdf did I just type (your application).
You have mistakes in you application one of them is you didn't capitalise (Arabic).
This is illegal I'm pretty sure as this is not part of Mineverse @bananaman11223 @fryzigg
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 dun h8.
Since the beginning? over two years I never said I read your application lol that's why I stated maybe if you have any other enquiries please feel...
What a joke this community is after all the respected players left this community has died every memorable player is only respected to a point now...
Who the hell are you? the font size takes two seconds to fix and is not frustrating if he made the font smaller no one would care because that is...
Oh good, I finally got through change your format, fix your errors and learn to take criticism and improve on it. I am still not going to support.
You actually need help. You're the biggest kid I know are you serious? you dare say when does someone need evidence for supporting when you ask...
No support always inactive can't take criticism and you curse a lot. K JK Support
Most likely you cannot take criticism you will not become a moderator and your application is very poor when Cypriot looks at this application (if...
No, support. Lower your font size for the last time. Do not add unnecessary commas, capitalize you're (I's), is this a joke ????? you added a...
BOIIII where is my follow.
Looks definitely matter if she has the world's best personality but if she looks like this she will never get a guy. [ATTACH] Generally most guys...
Where is Ivan when you need him.
Give me the hacked armor, please ;) also bye.