It is basically if cyp is bothered to do it or if he wants to play smite.
And I'm here wondering what character Cyp is playing on smite,
A mod should close this thread it is childish and the owner doesn't need to tell the whole community if you want to be banned just tell a mod but...
You are not allowed to ask for bans correct me if I'm wrong.
I know your Japanese I can tell by your photo and what you have said in other threads there is no community it died a long time ago anime is great...
You obviously do not know what infection was or who I am and there is a secret conversation with just infections bugs on it I shouldn't be saying...
Infection is a joke it has so many bugs and the community there is now somewhat of a joke this suggestion is obviously not going to be accepted...
Defining a mod is somehow like this I cannot express what you have done for this server this is the first day and your app has already 5 pages...
Worst thing to say Cypriot doesn't even have time to fix infection he won't have time to do this so No support come up with a better and valid...
No support this will never be implemented Cypriot won't this is too big to code and hard to make he didn't even implement things like splegg. How...
Was it profanity yes....:L
Idk who Kingalex is and I personally don't care I just don't like Elric because he is one annoying guy he deserves this ban in every way and...
Rule 13 Do not use offensive language(Profanity).
Lets say it's not rude you still broke a rule he still has every right to give you an infraction.
This is my honest opinion. It doesn't matter what you think because nothing will come of this because you broke a rule by swearing. This could...
Proud of you.
Do you even strafe?
Did you make the rat you sent me.
Shum body is not very happy today.