He's not even applying anymore lol he got hacked.
Ban for fgt.
Wow am I not noticed senpai.
Senpai noticed meeeee.
Notmshowing off but nowhere near my skill :>
True dat most players mentioned are just high prestiges....
Cypriot has the time to make threads with games he plays boasts when infection is fked this was before he even he went on his holidays he is lazy...
No support have my reasons.
No you are still a player but one that wants to become a moderator with this behaviour it shows how capable you are. Moderators are not supposed...
Joining arguments perfect qualities for a moderator. Point proven cya later if you want anything else pm me.
He was being rude by starting an argument with me today about a matter he did directly not know the full details on.
Sir, I was implying to a stupid player one like you that I was an old player I was there since the beginning and basically invented infection if...
No support Why pure stupidity on what you said to me in game.
Not trying to be rude but I can't even read that.
Fine be like that. 1st learn to spell before you tell me learn to read I can clearly read and it only says bump once. 2 you can't even make an...
He only bumped once there is nothing wrong with that stop getting butthurt because you got denied.
I don't get this though in my opinion the moderator applications nowadays are critiqued so hard some are 500 words yet people still ask for more...
Your wasting your life by still playing minecraft fgt.