Skygrid is fked.
Did you even read? 2 Years to fix this these things could not take up two years without even little room to try fix it.
Great application. But Neutral you joined yesterday just get to know the forums community more.
My last reply here as it is yours I do not want to start a flame war and I respect you. Owning 3 servers is no excuse if you read what I said...
Looks alright neutral.
I never said I respect him I said I respect him for what he has done for the server not directly my opinion will not change unless he tries to...
Still yet to change it lel.
Hi shh you already followed me.
Put more effort into your applications with fonts etc. (This is, however no reason to judge and application) Neutral. I do not know you and I...
Colours hurt my eyes, You put no effort into your application and overall you do not seem professional in what you do.
Congrats I knew you would get it.
Really like this map support.
This thread is more classified as spam to my opinion then anything else I doubt any people will even bother to look at this I suggest msging on...
GG the once good community on factions is now officially dead I honestly cannot believe the fact that people would not help you.
Ty bby
You should wait at least 2 weeks or more 10 days is still too early.