I'm on iOS 9.0.2
You the right thing, and it's not always easy @MajesticWafflez. Good job man! I think this will help with your moderator application. Good Luck!
I'm gonna stay neutral. I haven't seen you in-game, but the application seems good. My suggestions would be to add more info, less colors, and...
I have the same problem.
Looks pretty good. Support! Good Luck :)
Welcome to the forums!
I would like to reapply at a later date, when I can be a more known member of the community. Please close @CobaltPlays @MaxNinja10...
How do I asked a moderator to close it?
Awesome thanks for the fast reply!
I applied for moderator a while ago and have realized that it wasn't a good idea to apply right after I made a forum account. So I was wondering...
Support :)
I think OP Prison might be a good way to get $$ because once your around R rank or so 1 Trillion becomes a reasonable amount. It is still a lot...
1 Trillion = $1
You have to be on your game type to get the reward I believe. This may not be true, but I noticed if I vote when I'm not online I don't get my...
Thank you for reading it anyways!
Thanks for reading! It's ok, thanks for reading. See you on!
My IGN: rpcraig Person Reporting's IGN: iNovaShocked I was playing on OP Prison and iNovaShocked was spamming and I asked him to stop. He then...