I agree @Pile_of_Butts @Scorvix please lock as this has been resolved. Thanks :)
No support very little information and as Talia said earlier your advertising your application. Your aren't active on the forum and this is the...
No Support. Very little information and you keep applying. Applying multiple times doesn't help you at all.
Sound like a cool person Welcome! :D
False The person below me doesn't have a forum signature.
False The person below me is using a computer thats running windows xp.
Yes mod please close @Pile_of_Butts
Never mind, I remembered you can buy a teleport back to spawn sorry. Please close. xD
I was playing on OP Prison and I teleported far away in the plot world and was auto kicked, when i try to rejoin I get kicked instantly. I keep...
Contact mineverse support.
I like the first one the best :D
Neutral. Developing an iOS app would be very expensive and I can't see it happening. If it did happen that would be amazing though. :D
Hey :D