I think either MVP or God would be the best for your money.
Support! I see you on the forums all the time. Good luck :D
Support. I would add a poll so people can get a better idea of support/neutral/no support ratio. Good luck man! :D
gg brah
Support! See you on the forums a lot, never see you in-game but thats just because of timezone differences. Good luck man! :D
Noice looks like u got one guy twice :D
OP Prison has some similar issues. We're not allowed to use color codes, but we have perms. So like whats the point of having perms if there...
On mac you can use quicktime player, its pretty easy to use. :D
There is a 1 minute warning, but I think a 30 & 10 second warning would be nice.
No support, you need more info and you are brand new to the forums. I've also never seen you in game, I'll reconsider if you become active and and...
No support because you are new to the forums, inactive on the forums, I've never seen you in-game, you need a ton more info. This application...
Will do, what items would you be looking for so I can get a general idea.
Yeah they are awesomeness. Do you like milky way?
Support, application is very good and you are a really cool/chill guy in-game. Hope you get it, good luck! :D
No support, please add a ton of more information. I would recommend looking at accepted applications to get an idea of what ones get accepted and...
Neutral. You are an awesome person in-game and I enjoy playing with you all the time. Very chill and always trading xD. Just add more information...
I have $6400 in hellblock
How much do you want for it.