Welcome! :)
Support looks good! Good luck :)
No support. Bad grammar, there is a capital at the starter of every word......, very little information.
That would add some excitement :D
There's always next month :/
Contact support and email them once a week. They have a lot to do so it can take some time to reply.
It was a Friday so that means people don't have to go to bed for school early or do homework. This allows more people the free time to come on the...
It's been stable for a solid 30minutes, I think were good.
Yeah the server just keeps crashing and rebooting. Hope they can fix it. There is probably something causing a crash on one of the servers. D:
France closed borders & Eiffel tower lights have been turned off D:
Noice :)
Neutral. People could just be trolls and waste administrators time or call hacks when their just bad at pvp.
Keep bridge add a parkour. Support! :D
Support, I used to love playing this game on other servers!
True, I'm not disliking it because I'm being a hater I just don't agree with the religion/philosophy.
Same reason as @Dyna_Mighty, it is my opinion and I don't think this kind of stuff should be on the forums. Just my opinion though. I don't mean...