I made the same kind of thread before you. You kind copied me o3O
Thanks no bad feedback on my Mod App!
@Daevantes stop spamming on threads!
Dude im not making up Mineplex games I:<
Support! Just please add a little more detail :P
Nice app. Support!
Support... you seem like a good person
You should get to know the forums. Till then support
You seem like a nice guy. I will support if you be a little less spammy :)
Please use the edit button please!! Almost very sentence is you o3O
1. Your ingame name: Punisher135709 The offender's in game name:kieran227 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I shot...
No. Just no. A lot of people ask for ranks every day so...no one should give you Titan
aDude i don't think you could get banned for having those swords! I think they just get in the Prison Cell
Please follow the Format. Please more info on why you should be Mod. Till then no Support :I
Lol dont rage @ButterBacca87 xD
1000000% Support!!!! You seem like a nice guy and you will be great as a Mod!
Why did talk about your self in the section "why do you think you should be Mod". What mean you were talking about your sister's softball and your...
I do not support if you are bribing and got banned. Sorry, but i don't support