No support by the comments above you seem very immature. You talk about how rich you are because no one cares about how rich you are. Again, No...
Support because I feel like supporting xD
You can't touch music, but music can touch you. -Regular Show :>
I stayed up all night!!! Now I'm really tired xD
@Jojoaidan you rage and can't control your temper. You lie. Your not even a 26 year old, your like 7. So stop lying! Its not worth it. No Support!
Sure @Foe. I'll do that
I don't get it. Is this a joke to you? Please fill out the template!
Please tell?
No support sorry.
I feel like staying up all night!
No problem :> :> :>
Ok I believe you know but, please use the edit button xD It's like bumping in a way :I
Get to know the forums better. Anyways, I'll give you a big fat SUPORT!!!!!
Try to get to know the forums a bit more. Every time I see you you trash talk and saying mean things. No Support :(
Thank you sis (@MinerGirl5906)
xD. Just wait @derekneugebauer
Im going to delete some of my posts.