1. My In-game Name: spotandshadow 2. The offenders name: Flamingninja145 and maddog085 3. A discription of the rule they broke and how they broke...
Lool ur sooo smart recording wth ur hacks on xD xD XD
i also have vids of him and his friends hacking.. i will post them too
offenders: jonesey654321 , WilliamKristian and Aronlkgamer
My Ingame name: spotandshadow Rule being broken: these 3 people are in godmode in mine. the one in front is automaticle killing everyone whenever...
or @KatoKillsMyGPA
anything @Edward Ray or @Rakion504
if so add me on skype: spotandshadow
can i talk to u on skype and show u or anything @Edward Ray
@Edward Ray anything yet?
ok please fix. tis is my all time fav server
nope. im on the hill to the right of spawn i still cant get on
sorry my in game name is spotandshadow
this happens whenever i try to join i kicks and kicks and kicks me over and over within like .5seconds
whenever i play ur kit pvp server (wich btw i love) i always get kicked. and i have no hacks or mods of any kind. but gettin kicked once if fine....