Support :P Maybe add some more stuff about ya :D
Support! :D
tack .3.
Woah, confusing level over 9000 xD Thanks for support .o.
I didnt want to go all rambo mambu mumbo on the colors haha. Thanks for suport!
Sorry, i was nervose heh... Well aint nobody got time for dat xD
taaaack tackk :D
thaaanks alot!
Support! ;):p:rolleyes:
◆ How old are you? ◆ I turned 15 this year ◆ What's your ingame name? ◆ CookieFighter01 ◆ Whats your timezone? ◆ European timezone, 7 hours...
Nooo its fine :P
1: Your ign name: CookieFighter01 2: Skype name or pm me it: Well you know me haha <3 3: Can you beat me or BMANVT in a 1v1: Nope, not a chanche...