The problem is you threw the book at them. How they suppose to read it when you throw it at them?!
Alright lets, go ahead and make some arguments about this "suggestion" since ya know I love talking about interesting subjects. Ironically...
Wait, they removed /warp? Thanks for telling me. Won't be going there from now on. Also, I support this.
Eh, since i lost my plot from name changing, OP-Prison is nothing but Prison with more money to grind and a better plot system.
There was a sale back in my day...back in 59' we had a 25% sale off everything, haven't had a sale since then.
Ah, well thank you for your opinion either way. I asssume by staff team you mean a team of staff watching the games as they go? I did have an...
Thank you for noticing that I'm not serious in this convo at all. Good job.
If you think calling me toxic helps your confidence of winning this argument, go ahead, my confidence rises when people think they are winning,...
"I was just simply making exaggerations to show the result which would be a blacklisting." you must've missed that part of the comment above your...
Toxic Definition: Poisonous. Poisonous definition: (of a substance or plant) causing or capable of causing death or illness if taken into the...
I'm not the only one in fault here, you started this argument about EULA when I practically was agreeing with you about the stuff that was...
Yeah...this was one of the many reasons I resigned. Disrespect. Yeah you can't avoid it, but it was very high at the time I was moderator and it...
But, I have't driven the community into madness, I haven't tried to make a cult to ruin the community. What have I done that compares me to some...
Ya know, I'm gonna be a arse and ask you to give me a valid reason why I ruin the community. Have I led a group of people to rebel against the...
First off, have you checked the thing called the EULA? It states we cannot sell a rank on our server for in-game items that will give the player...
Double posting about the same subject doesn't change my answer, nor does it speed up the time it takes for me to post. Look at my post in the...
You my friend have no knowledge. Let me break down my comment for the simple minded people. First off, "But, if its the same as the sponsor kit...
No I was moderator of myself. Of course that means yes I was mod, check my old account (oh wait, you can't). Long story short, I was moderator...
60 alerts within 4 hours. I was away from forums to go shopping for 2 hours, come back online in 2 more hours. I find that 30 people posted on my...
Results: [IMG] I approve of these results.