Again, you don't look at the archives. I mean, I'm not a crazy person or anything, but I don't see reports when I'm looking at new posts. (I also...
Then you don't click the archive, simple enough!
I feel like this is a troll, especially since its coming from ItsSniiper.
In-Game Name: Rlxtreme What rank are you: Technically MVP, right now I'm premium cause of issues. what rank you want: Elite would be awesome. Why...
That's not exactly easy. You either downgrade or upgrade from 1.8. While 1.7 sucks with the amount of blocks you have, you fix the hit detection...
I wouldn't say it should be removed, it just needs to be clarified more in the thread. I know what Cypriot was saying there, but most people will...
Well it would be a good idea to go titan since you can't grind voter for the month and get titan for free anymore.
Items that represent the gamemode, such as islands, trees, cobble stone generators, buildings on top of the islands to symbolize people trying to...
Please bring back Ma J to Skyblock. Skyblock the actual server had it and it was awesome. I'd love to see a non bugged version of it again. Also,...
He shoulda thought about that before moving. Then again, I'm not gonna sit here and complain about Cypriot not considering his own server and...
1st off this is most likely a thread hating on the person who reported you (Which is tru according to a comment you made saying, "Thanks wolfie")....
Good, I never really spent anytime on it anyway since I was hoping he would bring /Ma j back into the game again. Plus I was busy with other sever...
We have no evidence either way, so it doesn't matter what we say, if Cypriot confirms one way or the other then I'll correct myself. Til then, I'm...
No you don't have any idea what your talking about. You mad man.
Me. Simple right? Its pure genius.
Its the monthly DDoS of the internet provider for Cypriot's house. Nothing new, just wait a few hours and it'll be fine again. This happens about...
I would go into it more if you'd like in PM form cause I'm getting tired of the 420 character limit of comments xD. But, the show explains very...
Cool, well I'm more intrigued with Yuno all together than the show (though I love the show's concept). Her psychology makes her actions...
Ripping off their skin to reveal their bone version. That's a Yuno move, heh, classic.
Its mainly because of her psychology, I assume you've watched the entire thing?