Well, newsflash, Microsoft doesn't like that.
I believe he's speaking of player preferred numbers, meaning if you want to donate 2.50 you can donate 2.50 or you can donate 2.75 with no rewards...
How bout a thank you note for spending 3 years of your life on a Minecraft server? :)
First off, Moderators have, wait let me give you a hint. It starts with an L and ends with an E. Correct! LIFE. Fun fact, Mods are real people...
Ironically enough, Discord is better than Teamspeak in my opinion.
Either one, the american people lose either way so it doesn't really matter.
It should. Like all servers it needs to be fair. People like Mcquade are top of the line on /baltop and if we release the game mode, no one really...
I never said I was one, I just said I have no problem being one. Context mah boi, context.
There's respect, then there's acting like a god. Then again, I have no problem with being a god to the community, but ya know for others that's a...
#Towny BOOYAH 20 hearts are back with king rank, unless it just bugged out for me xD
Who took your coffee this time? Let me make you a fresh pot, you'll think better afterwards.
All these strategy games are "okay" to my standards. Of course I hold til the end of time that the best strategy game is Star Wars Battlegrounds...
That then proves who's willing to moderate just-fully and who wants to cheat. Gets to the point real quick instead of waiting for them to be...
Eh, the demand for hacks was high back then, but at least developers made them good enough that servers would have a time making anti-cheats that...
Let's see...Back in my day in 74' we had reach hacks, OP hacks, item hacks that worked in MP, heck even speed hacks that allowed you to fly...
#2015WorldSeries #2016WorldSeries 15' was good, but this year was pretty tense.
To be fair, OP-Prison used to be and probably is known for the most balance bugged game mode of the server. Since, a lot of people including...
Its a beta game mode, did you not get the memo when they said, "Beta" Typically, and I said "Typically" as in most owners of anything related game...
You realize, this isn't even release, right? None of your items matter at this point of time. I would see this being a issue after release, but...
With my crappy laptop I'll reach 100-200 fps most the time with optifine.