I found this a few days ago and I gotta say its pretty hilarious. [MEDIA] They also had Sam Jackson as well but this one was better edited. (plus...
Time to get my grind on skyblock.
The end is coming tis so true, now everyone is so blue, that the world changed , and how it was arranged. Hope, Courage, and Power, All three are...
I thought people were saying it was for 1.9 and above? Hmm, I guess I was right thinking it was for all versions.
^^ What a coincidence. Either way Grats.
you're selling your account? well that's surprising.
Not sure what the problem was to remove skulls in the first place... Did people spam withers all over the place?
It's not gravedigging if the owner revives his thread.
Pretty simple fix, just change the URL that the java plugin directs you to.
No, it actually does. Microsoft doesn't want to lose money from people not spending money towards MC related things. The EULA prevents people from...
True, but when we don't have much to offer in the first place, we have to use anything we can to attract people's attention. If charity is one of...
Does that mean you lied about resigning? *gasp* you lying mod, ban him!
Hey, it would attract people's attention, which is what we need. People be like, "Hey, you donated to that charity, cool i like you all I'm gonna...
Oh no problem, i just wanted to point it out before someone made it a big deal.
Just want to point out real quick, CatTahmeed made the thread about hacking that you closed an hour ago. He's the one who revived it. No need to...
Its not exactly possible anymore. Yeah players could have had better kits, but now that Microsoft is enforcing the EULA its just better to take...
Have you ever been on MV Creative game mode for more than a minute? Also, did you ever play Kitpvp before it got revamped? Donor perks were...
IGN: Rlxtreme Rank: MVP (Currently, premium, but I was MVP a few months back) Rankup: Supreme Reason: I missed a few days on voting this month...
Well, its actually because of the EULA. kids under the age to understand fairness, want donor items that give them an advantage over the enemy....
Its the rules, if you don't like them you can go somewhere else. You are allowed to speak about these rules and how they are unfair, but they...