Canucks:D.If Someone has acess to a acc and the acc is banned is that ban evading.They play the acc alot
Hey Cyp, Can you fix my age i'm actually 14 but i messed up.Thanks!
Really?You think im 11.LOL you're cute
Can you check my thread?
StandUp in opfactions told me to go kys Proof:[ATTACH]
_xXGamerXx_ & AshleyOwnsYou We're advertising on opfactions yesterday Proof:
Hey Cyp, I messed up on my age respond as quick as possible.Thanks!
Hey max,I messed up on my age and need to fix it im actually 14.Respond when you can no rush.
@Alex Check This
@larrythebird101 Please ban him he really gets annoying.xD
WhatsADdosThreat Admits He Is Dnorris707 Proof:
@MaxNinja10 Look The Proof Is Here
@Ares_Xena This Is It!
@AgentWifi He Said It Check It
OkSquishy_ Was Saying He Hacked Inerdx In Game Proof: There is the pic of OkSquishy_ Saying he hacked inerdx
@Flazer Really_-_