Chu_The_Bacon is cross teaming with green
(WainbowJFox_,MidnightFox_ and Sunshine1018) How can they blow ppl up when team dead
Scemma15 and BBQChikken are cross teaming on Bedwars #15 i am on BBQChikken team (Green) and she killed me just so i wont kill Scemma15 and she is...
Bush__Did__911 walks on water, climbs ladder very fast, he can get through the iron bars that separate the map from the outside.
I caught a hacker on Bedwars, he used invisible blocks, barrier blocks, to protect his bed and he was the only one on his team and he took on a...
hi my name is Diamond_Diva123 and i am online a lot because i am home schooled,i play every game on mineverse,i love to play bed wars a lot and...