Cheers Man It Means Allot :p
I <3 You To Pile Your The Best :P
Thanks Pile and Parkour Your Like Always so Friendly Around The Game And In Forums and And Btw It sawesome to see MrParkour Being Moderator. Best...
And Because I <3 Her :3
I Agree With Pile Because she Was spamming like Crazy And Treating Pile like she was A Kid.
Sorry Philip But You cant Report MrParkour You dont Have Any Proof :eek:
It Looks Yum But Its My Body So don't Eat me Just Because I'm a Fish :3
Sorry Not Being Mean
No Support U are so Mean
I'm leaving mineverse forever so you can be Happy now... Thx everyone who supported me on the way but I'm leaving so... Hope Mineverse becomes...
Well Im On Holiday :D and My Grandad Died 1 Week Ago D:
what no i didnt!
And we didnt Grief kkcool2003 Was allowed In the plot and he started to draw stuff but "Gladdiator" told him Off so we stoped and she started to...
Exuse me we did nothing U were being mean so i said die in a fire So atually no u can threaten Me to get banned
Happy birthday Minverse!!!!! *cakes*
Wow thanks for all the support everyone!
I have finnaly found someone hacking with nodus, so heres the story. So bassicly i was just minding my own buzz and this guy he was a god and he...