MineCraft 1.8 Has Come Out Please Update Server ASAP
My User frankliu His User SuperDumbo10 Why Spam and Advertise for a Death Warp Proof:
My User Frankliu Their User MsFios Why Spam and advertise for another server
My User: frankliu His User: Bloodymess506 I was making a trade 5 emeralds for $ on Skyblock I allowed him to tpa and to get the emeralds i gave...
My User:frankliu Their User(s):Too many to count Reason: Spam |Proof| | | V V
My User: frankliu His User: Octoberseven101 Why: Scam I told Octoberseven101 to pay me first then he said he didn't trust me so then I said ok i...
My User: frankliu His User: BigRedDev Why:Scam He Said He Would Buy Me A Rank For 14k on skyblock and some other stuff. I paid him and then he...
I was making a purchase when it said coupon codes do you guys know any or know how to get them???
My User: frankliu Their User: fatcatz79 Why?: Death Warp (/Warp fatcatz79) | Proof | v v
Fri. 4:25 (Est) Mineverse Crashed. Please Fix.:(
I was going to switch mineverse servers and typed /lobby when it didn't work i did it again and it said already connecting to this server. Then I...
She was making a trade and told me to go to /warp bday (her deathwarp) , But luckily i typed /is before i died i beg you please to bann...
Guys good luck in fixing the server. If you didn't know the server was ddosed.
Sometimes i try to do eveerything to connect but it never works pls make it easier to connectto the server. Sincerely, Frankliu:)
Yankeeminer11 got tricked into death by wattsy9990 he told me to report for him he said he had 12 irong ingots. Pls ban wattsy9990 Sincerely,...