In Game Name: derpinqflame Maturity (1-10): Eh, 8,9 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Do you have TeamSpeak/Skype: I have skype, haven't downloaded ts Timezone: GMT +1...
My IGN: WolfinqFears Thee reported players IGN: TheRealOpPanda Rule broken: Death Wishes THE HEARTS ARE IRONIC, He just killed me in a 1v1 (...
Your ingame name: WolfinqFears ( the report has also been requested by iPingPete_ ) The offender's ingame name: iElephant A description of what...
Your ingame name: WolfieyPvP The offender's ingame name: Pujz Pujz broke the "deathwishes" rule, he told me to kys, kys = Kill Yourself...
I do respect everyone as I should, I've not understood what van means cause I am treating all players as a mod would and should. But thanks for...
Thanks! I'm very active in-game, and i've started to look into our forum here on Minerverse. I'll take a better look on the question why I should...
Oh well, anyways thanks for giving me some feedback. I'll work on not acting imature.
Well, Hi Bants. May I ask why no support?
Oh van, I remember you on op pvp, you got mad cause I killed you. And I said you were "eZ". If its the "eZ" you're talking about then I would like...
Oh well, are you thinking of my way of typing? Please be more specific, I would like to get better or more "mature". Thanks again for replying.
Thanks for the feedback, but may I ask why you arent supporting me?
Well, thanks for the feedback zeroboxer, but may I ask why you arent supporting? :)
Sorry, I made this in Open Office, and it was very colorful. Now its not. Im sorry.
Hey, First of all i would like to tell you that: I will appreciate any given feedback I hope you won't judge me cause of my age I hope you'll...
Of course no support, you didn't use the format and the application needs alot more details. Also if you're trying to get Moderator just to fix...
I don't think you're able to be Moderator. But I would like to say that I think you shouldn't try to be someone else, be the person you are. Then...
Because i am going to be very active on here and comment on other posts if i feel like i have something to tell.
If you see these posts, cause of my Moderator Application, and you judge me cause i haven't been very active on the forums, then please dont
Hey I joined the server for atleast 2 years ago, and I joined the forum 2014. I'm a helpful and active player, so be sure to msg me in game.
It says that i joined Dec 28 2014, and its right if you look at when i joined the Forums here on Mineverse.