Neutral Be more active on forums then i will give you a Support! :D
Please use this templete. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak?...
No support. Try to - Be more active on forums, maybe in-game i dont know - Add more information. You can look how accepted Mod application looks.
No support
No Support.
Support. I've seen you play and you're a very nice person and very mature. Of course you deserve another chance!
Support bro.
Neutral. Good luck.
Support if i did'nt already do that.
No support.
Why are you using his account? I suggest you do your own.
No Support. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] You are hacking while you are rude. And we dont want hackers as Mod.
If you did something stupid for a long time ago, will you be hated two years after.
1. Philip320 2. KlutzyZeno4 3. I dont think it looks legit, Hacking. 4. [MEDIA]
Okay, good luck.