whatever you say all powerfull kid if nineverse has that stupid of a rule than dang i bet a quarter of the suicides and murders on the planet...
My IGN: Soneyburst *dont tell them my name* Offender: xDazzle *dont tell them my name or they will hack me* Reason: Hack threats PLeaes DONT TELL...
yea @fryzigg @Zambiana your call i don't get what this stupid death threat thing is do you not see how silly it looks and sounds?
lmao so if i said I'm going to shoot you with my pistol. ON GTA SERVER ima get banned? from that too?
LOL no i don't know it obviously you can read my mind or something?! I'm pretty sure i know I'm in a video game. ^^^ read up there i typed what i...
and yea a death threat IN GAME. I'm pretty sure you can kill people in minecraft. is it like murder everytime? should i be banned overtime i kill...
prin i know i did say what i asked for the first time i didn't take screen shots , then i told myself oh crap i should probably screen shot it but...
My IGN: Soneyburst Offender: ToruPVP Reason: Hack Threats Proof[ATTACH]
Sub to me on youtube! @Soneyburst https://www.youtube.com/user/Soneyburst
was this ignored
If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to...
My IGn; Soneyburst Offender: eromacys Reason: hacks threats towards mods and server? proof[ATTACH][ATTACH]
MY IGN: Soneyburst Offender: hunter24 reason: spam hacks flame proof; [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My: IGN Soneyburst Offenders: Look in the pictures theres too many i think like 3 or 4 of them Reason: flame, hacks, blackmail etc...
My IGN: Soneyburst Offender: ssundeemaster Reason: flaming disrespect proof: [ATTACH] @GizzBots @AgentWifi @canucksfan44
@canucksfan44 @Van @PandaBear__ @Ares_Xena
My IGN: Soneyburst Offenders: Tawnson, cam8888, crazycrafter7878 Reason: Flaming, insulting zero_inzanity, made him sad *sorta* they insulted his...
whatever i quit i don't know why this server allows bad people as moderators I'm just gonna kill myself its not like i have friends anyways
i can tag whoever i want don't tell me what to do i want more help @tin15cro @Van @xSoulHero