like instead of typing /spawn you can just type /home or something and still 3 seconds to teleport inside. and there would be no way to enter...
i totally support houses, where you can store money, cars, guns, loot etc.
i've played on /op for more than 2 years boo. pearls are needed, and if there was any time it would be 2 seconds or 3 seconds
yup agree
yea i have. but maneuvers isn't like those servers, they have lots of gapples and thorns, and sharp 30s . is it the same? no I'm pretty sure kohi...
but vaults could be cool if you could buy Houses, different types of cars, more enderchests
LOL its not even starting. its just a medium sized server. theres more people that plays CREATIVE than this. /op /opfactions /kitpvp those are big...
dayum. well can i ally with you man? i don't play opfactions that much anymore i already got everything. but like we could do raids together and...
aye i want to be part of this ally/ truce thing. mega boxjeremy. let me get in on this forum stuff. plus i need a lot more /opfactions vids on my...
Ign : Soneyburst Skill : can kill mostly everyone once i get my mcmmo stats fixed. and even without them i could kill them. epic base builder, op...
yea if your going to get rid of enderpearls than you get rid of Knockback sticks, thorns, speed.
nahp . if there was even the slightest cool down it should be 3 seconds. or 5 seconds
offcourse I've lost good loot. but i bet you all the money in the world your going to be dying and your going to wish there wasn't a timer and ill...
sorry man if your not good enough to chase them down with your OWN pearls then don't bother playing and creating a thread about you wining. no one...
yea get rid of thorns and speed. its ruins it. mostly thorns though speed i don't really mind
uh yea its not one of the most played servers lmao. its just the newest my friend
why does everyone think im a liar?u call me a liar when im helping my friend. Prin calls me a liar thinkng i really want kittycraft to die in real...
ok that other one is a different story. just on this report make sure no one sees it was me. no IM noT him omg... just read carefully. 1) I'm...
what do you know! i have to screenshots of people i was gonna report. well i guess these people won't get banned huh. they didn't give out death...