That's what I'm doing, Im pressing edit and then save changes. I don't know why its reposting another one. Sorry about that!
hmm okay I guess Ill try to make it more understandable for you guys! Thanks
Hmm I don't think i'm rude or immature for that matter. Im actually in English 4 IB at my high school I'm pretty sure I can use grammar correctly...
Grammar isn't a big deal as of now. Its more important about who I am and what I stand for in this community. When or if i need to use the grammar...
hmm okay thanks lol no I'm not but whatever you say lmao I wasn't being harsh just telling you the truth. And nah you didnt hurt my feelings...
This is just an application for a moderator I'm taking it seriously but I don't have to make it essay perfect sorry And I'm not copying any other...
yea i msged you cause i thought we were friends and maybe you could put in some input lol thanks though! :D , but I am not power-hungry I'm fine...
thanks though! Thanks how about now? @12323emily @canucksfan44 am i suppose to put my timezone in the title or any game modes? Or is that idea...
LOL! Yea sorry i pressed tab and it accidentally posted it before it was complete. It looks different as how I typed it, Ill edit it to look nicer.
How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: Soneyburst What timezone are you in? PST What country do you live in? USA What languages do you speak?...
hey yea i wanna apply for mod any tips? getting a lot of support from players will help? or is it only based on other mods. what if i was banned...
no support but they should fix factions and /opfactions up by fixing creeper eggs so they work again, and make it so if you change your name your...
hey emily uh yea so, i feel like mineverse is really good with there servers it has and this would be added to the mini games lobby right? not its...
what do you mean full screenshots?
yea exactly, titans have too much as it is , no support
this is horrible idea. cuz why just titans, plus you can basically already do that theres i think like 10 servers for each of the mini games or...