Haha all the chargeback bans
And bad grammar. My brain...
I refresh my browser so much when I'm on this C:
Ill be honest I don't think you are cut out to be staff you curse a lot you break the rules from time to time , you are also really immature but...
Yes it does. Some young people on this server are really immature and cuss alot etc. But I will agree MPG was a great mod and should be again
Support but IMO you are a bit too young but it's my opinion :)
@flare_snuggles why you banned ?
MVP gets it because VIP gets the same sharpness but with knockback 1 so the fire aspect is just an upgrade like the rank. Oh and the elite sword...
My like 3rd time using it ok :(
And another
More Screenshots about 5 Mins later
@Pile_of_Butts @Glaadiator
It is pretty good!
Your ingame name: lukey_luke The offender's ingame name: Squidy424 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spam + Bad Language...
I want to remove this thread
My Record is 89 On caves :D
So I was playing Infection about 5 Minutes ago it was my First game and this was the end result
62 Rolfs on Infection Map Was Mineshaft GG!!!
Why does it say he's got night vision 2?