Support! 3rd? <3
Oh God yes SUPPORT
You always Curse and you're disrespectful no support.
Yes Pls Support all the way
Support :)
@Firo3000 can you come on infection and unmute me I got kicked and muted?
It was just banter
Why is it so Laggy
hey peeps
I ain't got no panties on
I just made @kirbyo32 die of jealousy
Your ingame name: lukey_luke The offender's ingame name: goo54 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spam Evidence/screenshots....
:( no power 5 :(
Yes I agree I find Temple Quite Fun even without a kit
Uh @Firo3000 has Dealt with this
@Pile_of_Butts @kirbyo32 @Grayson Somebody please stop this
Your ingame name: lukey_luke The offender's ingame name: Hotwing32 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Mega Spam...
I hate 1.8 so much Die Mojang pls Just bring back 1.2.5 again 5ever