Well I use pets for other things, not pet hiding. I do t think that it would be fair to do that to the ppl who use it fairly
I like the idea, and the slot numbers, even though some ppl don't support them
I got a loot sword and went to farm iron, and it was there
They already took it out Uncle... They put a torch there instead
Dont you just love it when your "friend" is "joking" and he DDOSes you when you are in combat and you lose over 1.5k worth of kitpvp money..
Support, awesome idea @bananaman11223
So would I, I have experience with that from my personal server for my friends and i
For xtra room
I respect your opinion, but I still disagree
iKoN_PvP: iKoN_PvP is a KitPvP clan made only for the best of the best. In order to join, three things must happen: As a general rule, be in P4,...