Almost half way come on!! Still no mods on
Count to fifty b4 a mod posts! Hurry none on atm and it's at 15
@Ares_Xena @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @TannerLittle @canucksfan44 @Hosselaar @Viper Maybe @MissPVP . I think she lives close to me.
@SSMH hurry, 2 mods online!
Super-Suport!! I always looked up to you, as a mod.
13 We gettin there :)
9 I just noticed that ;) Can we go back and forth or no?
And u think to much of MVP, it's a good rank, but if you had paid $65 more than an MVP, you should probably get something better than them. Right?
A mod should just sit here and wait until they get to 49 xD
How do you even?
Banned because the pot was white porcelain :)
Well MVP swords do not need to be more "significant" as a $35 rank than God swords at a $100 rank... :/
Banned for bad English corrections Actuall you're means you are, if I had said you're it would have meant fight you are battles... See I do...