Thanks to you + staff for setting up this KitPvP competition, it's going to be a lot of fun!!
i have p4, just no p2 lel
Ya i think so... but i have no p2 atm soo... lel
When will this take place, like the actuall PvP?
IGN: iKoN_Jelly, but i will be participating on my alt, zhorde Time Zone: EST Posittion: competetor, but one question, would this fight be in...
Nice! I recently resatrted kitpvp, because I was asked to by somebody who was angry with me for wanting a kitpvp rested, he told me to "start over...
No support, but I do like what Diggy said, a rank between Titan and God would be great, maybe $150 or $200
Look at my report pls... None of the other mods have:
I was on minechat, although anyone who sees the pics can probs. tell
@Alexa @larrythebird101 @Ares_Xena @PandaBear__ Please check this out!! Just a side note, sry if the pics are out of order, it is because the...
IGN: zhorde Why I should get it: Because mineverse is my life, and between today and yesterday, I got scammed over $600... It would rly make me...
Your ingame name: iKoN_Jelly The offender's ingame name: airtaz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming, it's as simple...
Bump... lost stuff just yesterday because of this....
Because I like to be active on the forums....
How about u bring it back, but develop a program (or find one) to stop zombies from dropping ingots,UNLESS YOU HAVE LOOTING 3, not looting 1, not...
<edited> rly damnit I wasnt online!!!! I knew he had an OP do, but FOUR <edited> STACKS?!?
me to, and i wasnt going to sell it... EVER! I was going to wear the #Uncle Gear for evah (or until i died...)
This was a semi-off topic post, your IP would not affect it any more than it will now. This was a responding to a plugin that someone posted...
Wow i missed the DP... lol bye Uncle #ByeUncle
Bye @UncleUrnesto, you will be missed :(