50% support
Again, yet another noob application. No support
So many noobs... He needs to follow the template and PVP does nothing good at all... No support
Tell me more why you think you should be a mod, anybody can do what you listed
*eyeroll* welcome to the real world
Last time i checked /heal was still in the hub
That's what they all say when they are jailed
*Facepalm* :P Anywho, Shupport
That's what she said
Dude why is your font always so big?
Dem Caps
Hia Larry, Support!
Didn't bother to read... But still, you a cool guy so support
Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. Please use this format
Le Poke
Ellen, I'll be yo friend
Blocks VS Zombies just cuz
Hey guys! I'm well known on the Skyblock Forums for those who have no idea who I am. So hi
UMG I'm here