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Yup, come to the Skyblock forums
There's a little thing called editing your post
50% support
Still, noob is nothing, swearing is another. Since you have no proof of swearing, there is nothing the mods can really do
25% support, you can't change people's game modes as mod. Also, mentioning your donation lowers your chances
This is most definetly not bannable, people are called noobs all the time.
I apologize for calling your post noobish, but seriously it's not okay what you said. I suggest you just be a bit more careful next time.
Maybe add a little of your personality and try to get on a little bit longer. Other than that I think you are a top canidate
75% support
How bout you don't assume, my iPod can't show signatures. Next time, don't be a prick ok? (There is also a little thing called editing too)
The only reason why you think you should be a mod is that you say you will be a good mod No support
Your app on Skyblock was a bit of a flop, this is much better so support Don't ask people to view your app
Probably not, just sayin
Hey bby
Mention donations kills your chances, you also don't need to be mod to do videos No support
No support