He has been banned from the forums for a day, as he has been abusing ratings and has multiple accounts
In this matter, I feel his rating privlages revoked.
Well all of this is also true, you just need to grow up and learn to spell/ use proper grammar.
People brag all the time, deal with it.
No support, you were advertising this in another's application
What now?
I'm saying you shouldn't rate anything out don't like in the slighest bit negatively, you really need to grow a pair and come to the real world
He rated this post negative too
Almost all of my negative ratings are from him
Ny parents hate it because it has "bad" graphics
This is so confusing
They probably removed it from this because of complaints
Dude why did you disagree, I bumped it up after he changed it
Much better, 80% now
Not really, I'm just really pick :)
When you say you will stop all that stuff, I consider that no detail
Just go to the Skyblock forums and you'll see Also support!