I'm totally lurking
@AthleticPsycho and @ParanormalPizza
Shouldn't this be in help or something? Currently you don't meet the requirements. 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up...
No support, scamming should never be encouraged.
Yessss support
Meh I'll invite everyone I know @Auzzi @The Hunter @Wolfie @Empster @yeahsquirrel @Enoch964 @Titanicguy @Theatress @EvocativeTragedy @Exo @Teddy...
Your ingame name: Redroyalle The offender's exact ingame name: xNuclearNickox A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
No support, follow the template above. Redstone skills aren't exactly an important thing for a moderator lol.
Neutral, your app is fantastic and from what I've seen, you'd be a great mod. You should work on your in-game activity though.