INTRO: Hello everyone and welcome to my Moderator application! To everyone that I had hurt, I am sorry! Forgive me for anything I have done! I'll...
No Support, -Not active on forums -Not enough details - again I have bad grammar becuase I was not born in the US. :/
"Why do you think you should become a mod? I would absolutely LOVE to stroll around and see waht people are doing." Really, thats it? No support...
No support, - Add more detail - 0 reports - i have bad grammar - I never seen you in-game Good Luck! :)
I'll stay Neutral for now. Be more active on the forums and be online more often. Neutral!
No Support, Reasons stated above. P.S Tone down the colors! They hurt my eyes. 0-0
No, just no support..
Ayyy... Changing
The meaning of friends: Doesn't team, kill each other (mostly horse) Me: We fight like brothers, cuz thats the real meaning of friends!!
so I guess, No Support? XD
Just saying, That was my old account, but I forgot the password. P.S I never signed up for a moderator application.
Can we use Damage Indicator? Just wondering because I downloaded it to see the hearts on players in OP PvP
They don't want none.
We are Mechas... Teamed with AJ Styles
We are Mechas...
Mechas.... Unite!!
This clan is no longer in use.
Thanks :D
How did I join Mineverse? I joined Mineverse exactly on April 16, 2013. I found out about Mineverse when my best friend told me to play on this...