Hey @KRTXVINFECTION Is this on op factions? If so, I am in a powerful fac with many donors. I can truce if wanted.
1st of all, you forgot me xD 2nd of all: support Good luck, :)
I have had this problem before. Right before you log on to creative, keep spamming on your keyboard; 1-9 and not the one the death diamond is in....
Money was reset back down to 500. I'm sorry and I don't think mods can help with this. Just earn so bucks like I did :) #richest_On_SB_so_far
Support! Okay app. Just when you become mod don't be as immature :) Good luck :happy:
LIEZ Oh, yea and @Pickled_turnips xD you wanted to see this? xD Look up ^
A girl. Likes likes. Has a proflile pic. xD
A weird cartoon drawing, wearing 3-D glasses. ;) Wait, that was for Rockerz :pomp:
No support. People say this is "copied" Never see you in-game. Tips: Get more known. More info. :)
OH MY GAWD Chocolate Chippyyyy cookiezzz
Yes. It needs more support and Info. Get more known and active. (never seen you before) Consider getting an avatar (not needed) Better spelling....
Awesome, very little are unfair, and some are understanding
Thank you.
1. omie2001 2. msplogen12 3. Very mean to me. 4.
Um. . . ill just say some thin' 1. A fat suit 2. vodka 3. everyone from mineverse
Your ingame name: Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: ebag51 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing and language. He...
Why is your sig smexy? Why am I smexy?
Considering in 24 hours. :D