You pay money to support the server. You buy a donation/donor rank, and that help Noob and Cypriot with making new things for the server.
They should call you smexycrew
Good deal but I can't get it sorry
She's ur brother? O_o and omfg support bro
Avoid. evitar. Gwema. .تجنب éviter. vermijden
Well with new chests just make it a new style.
Yes. Just make the sign above the chest and it will work, its like Hellblock.
Avoid brah :)
lol this was supposed to be Avoid, kiss marry. Now is AHKM (Avoid, hug, kiss, marry) xD oh yes and a friendly hug
There is an infection torch glitch where when you place 1 torch down you keep the torch and then it spams: Air strike inbound about 50 times. The...
My name: omie2001 Proposing to: homie Ship name: homie2001 Wedding date: today ;) Yea, no one love meh. :(
This is smexy.
Hug :grum:
I have screenshots of smexy people below. Note: (They are just pet humans)