Ugh, Since I know you and trust you sure! Accepted!
VaMeSa Pls fill out this app it has to be fair :) IGN: Levels: How good do you think you are in pvp on a scale from 1-10?: Skype Name...
Please fill out / copy&paste this template to apply for Rek Squad IGN: Levels: How good do you think you are in pvp on a scale from 1-10?:...
Would you twerk IRL infront of every mod (Including Cyp And Crew) in a bar for mod rank?
Lol that's cool. Anyway please stay on topic, If you want to have a convo make a conversation with me or put it on my profile wall.
Thanks! Lol Thank God you dont know what I've done in the past...
Thanks Dood :D!
Your ingame name: davisabog The offender's ingame name: talan11 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
How Old Are You? I'm 13 turning 14 this year. Your in-game name davisabog What timezone are you in? EST What country do you live in? U.S.A...
Support :)
Sorry, but no support. You knew/skyped someone that DoSed people, I got you banned for hacking, you usually break the rule of "No Profanity" and...
Would you male strip dance for all the mods IRL to get Mod rank? (Including Cyp) :)
Who's your favorite mod in MV and why?
Mkay, G'boi
Giving out your skype on forums isnt a good idea when Stee, SamuelGamer, Fendodo and other ppl that know how to DoS
Mkay! Finally reached 1k Lv. in OP. I'm gonna start playing both Prison and Op at the same time. So I'm back playing prison! :D
Bruh...Your Adv....
Welcome Back BigBoi :)
Do you have skype?
:D There's still more coming!