I have a few :3 [media] [media] [media] [media]
Should I do this on my phone of PC?
Woops! Soz he's not banned on the GM :3 Someone pls archive.
Your ingame name: davisabog The offender's ingame name: Zero_Insanity AKA bajanfanboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
-.- Try-hard...jk SUPPORT!
You can do that. Also, Skydiver already made a soup thread.
8/10 Work on animation better.
It's Katy Perry....
xD this is funny ...Onion is raging at skydiver!
[IMG]Gotcha @madisonjr
O...M....F...G.... Dis is the ... MOST OG MOD APP! SUPPORT! x1000!
(Soz for posting here) That's a fishing rod....
Lel...Your a good example m8 <3
My dream faction... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnLldLccq20&list=TLT3ANgCsbxnjgoqwdXHPnyXEKV5ntnFnL
Taryn....I thought you had to "Go" -.- you instantly left duh call m8...
And kitpvp...
@Pile_of_Butts @Firo3000 @madisonjr @jadey64 @Skydiver27 @CypriotMerks @Lola Perez @MiningCreeper454
I've noticed you've gotten ruder every second... :3
Hey guys! Taryn(ItsTweety) and I thought it was a good idea to add "Potion PvP". Potion PvP is a pvp type where you practice and or 1v1 people. In...