We'll hello everyone who reads this, to start off I have been playing mineverse for about 5 weeks now and it sure has been an experience. When I...
In the future, I create a monsoon with my tears.
@Discdog1000 will fall off a cliff and turn into super butterfly.
In the future, @Conor Walton will by me a wedding ring :P
Ya you didn't add me <3 (I'm supposed to be like at the top) :P haha ily
A: fart on the keyboard duh Q: why are we talking to ourselves?
A: no I do t have eyes Q: how do you pee?
@SomeGuy will turn into a rainbow ever New Year's Day :D
Pile, if we were in a parallel world and everyone died of the plague except us, would you love me ? :3
@canucksfan44 will be my unicorn :>
In the future @Glaadiator will love me :3
@canucksfan44 will be the newest member in 1Direction
A: Bonjar? Q: do you sleep under the carpet like me? It gets cold at night.
A: No pandas do Q: is Paris in Antarctica ?
OMG that pic!! xD
Banned for not banning me
Banned for being a mod
A: Because you ate your grass Q: what do bears do with unicorns?
Banned for having "pud" in your name twice.
#infectionlobby @almarobb123