thinking about the 2014/2015 years, I wish life was like that again. I met so many new people did so many new things and I don't regret it!
kay kay
^ Tru facts
wifi went down for 5 mins, I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people.
Some people go to high school, others go to school high.
Hmu if you want an intro (pm me)
Sure ting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb5-s_RlY0g My new intro!
I was never aware that this meant a ban..
It's not worth appealing for Mineverse you get kicked everytime you're in a fight because the host is about as stable as an old peoples home.
So flazer liked this but he doesn't like me?
And that got me a 1 month ban.
I said, Anyone selling alts msg me
http://prntscr.com/auqqni lmao banned for asking a question. Sick one. This is why I love Mineverse.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRZrmTZxF0g Ok Senpai.