Schnitzel_69 Graddy21 Cheats Proof : [media]
Could you pleaze take off the combatlog because I am pretty tired about people doing it while I am trying pvp. I loose a lot a stuff and kills so...
Schnitzel_69 paskov123 Using nodus Proofs : go look at report of lumilu from paskov we see Nodus in screenshoot of paskov123
I agree
i dont agrre sorry this is not a good proof
omg paskov xD We see your nodus on your screenshoot x)
Schnitzel_69 Bobbywooby Cheats ! Proofs : [media]
I agree 100 % Because with a cheat ( like opapple ) They can break block in claim area and so open all the chest ! I dont want any tnt ect... (...
Schnitzel_69 Flaeron100 and bobbywooby Cheat Proofs : ( for Flaeron100 ) Look at 1:00 [media] ( fore bobbywooby ) [media]
Another video of cheats !! : [media]
Probably .-.
Transformer ... We cleary see your cheats ! And fore the question of Sooper : I record with fraps , and i do montage whit VideoPad ( sorry fore...
I ask ban of Metz and TransformerXD
My channel !! :