Ha , sorry ! I dont know .-.
This is how we make video : http://www.mineverse.com/threads/cheat-of-xarticxmaster89-and-patrick389.2650/
Schnitzel_69 XarticXmaster89 and patrick389 Cheats Proof : [media]
Learn to make better video omg !
Dont support . I think you are cheating like knash1 , and if you are mod its gonna dangerous ( you mod app is tho short)
In how many time its gonna be fixed ?
Dude ..... If you dont want people say bad thing dont talk about you personnal life in minecraft....
Its so many combat log in factions !! Can you plz fix it ! Look this video ( just a little combat log ) : [media] THis is so boring people...
Schnitzel_69 TheRealBrit , Camel45 and Motomant Cheat ! Click aimbot Proofs : [media]
Got other video of therealbrit and other people its uploading :D
sorry Fallenherox but i kill you many time when you try to put lava on top .-.
Sorry for my english .-.
Sorry :/
Ok ok ! I know this is the same video... Never mind its ok
And this is the good video : [media]
Because TurtleMonster was unban with no ban appeal so....
Sorry I give the wrong vidéo i Will give the new link soon
Schnitzel_69 jjj4671 Cheat Proofs : [media]
Schnitzel_69 Turltlemonsterxx Cheat ( click aimbot ) Proof : ( look at the end of the video ) [media]