@Schnitzel_69 e.e
Yeah its problem :/
Fiathful by aypierre :3
Why not ?
Can you plz had the command /ignore in faction ? Its very VERY VERY boring people dont stop spamming me ! omg D:
Will be nice :D !
Support :D !
Minecraft Trickshot : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mv4gAs6CDA&feature=youtu.be
New video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OCJ4kE21UM
Im forn canada .-. Quebec
:D !
I have video of you cheating , dont try !
Ty :) !
Sorry for my poor english .-.
Yes like click aimbot but more subtile that other cheat we see more frequenly
No if you do pause at the good time you see cleary its no Ottawa
Ok if Ottawa hit me , How did you explain the knockback effect on me ?
Schnitzel_69 Knash1 Cheat proof : [media]